Miriam Milberg de Smolarz has past away at the age of 102

Her generosity and friendship will be cherished forever

06 September 2022
Miriam and Adolfo Smolarz

The George S.Wise Faculty of Life Sciences sends her deepest and most heartfelt condolences to the Smolarz family, for the passing of our dear friend and benefactor Miriam Milberg de Smolarz. 


Miriam and Adolfo Smolarz

For us, the warm friendship with a generous and visionary friend such as Miriam was a rare and unique privilege. The fruits of her generosity are immediately apparent in our day to day lives at the Faculty of Life Sciences.



Our students grow and develop in the Smolarz Family School of Graduate studies and the Smolarz Family Building, both great endeavors that bear the mark of Miriam's passion for the enrichment of the minds of the young. We share with her, and with the family, the hope that these students, and the scientific knowledge they acquire in these privileged settings, will bring important contributions towards a better future for Israel and for humanity as whole. When they do so, they will be fulfilling her vision, which she shared with Her Late Husband, Adolfo Smolarz, and with other members of the family.

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