Hearing Matters: How Amphibians Make Sense of a Noisy World (Faculty Seminar)

Prof. Peter Narins, Departments of Physiological Science and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UCLA: 30 May 2019, 13:45, Sherman Building, room 3

20 May 2019
Prof. Peter Narins

Prof. Peter Naris focuses on the question of how animals extract relevant sounds from the often highly noisy backgrounds in which they live. The techniques he uses are the quantitative analysis of vocal behavior of animals in their natural habitats, followed by single fiber neurophysiological recordings in order to elucidate mechanisms underlying signal processing in noise.


Faculty students are invited to meet Prof. Peter Narins (over  p i z z a ):

THURSDAY,  30 May, 16:00-18:00, Sherman 330
RSVP: Prof. Yossi Yovel



>>> Read more on Prof. Peter Narins Lab

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