The School of Plant Sciences and Food Security is seeking excellent applicants to fill a tenure-track faculty position

The School of Plant Sciences and Food Security at Tel Aviv University is seeking excellent applicants to fill a tenure track faculty position in cereals genetics and genomics. Previous experience with wheat or barley is desirable.

03 July 2022
school of plants


Qualifications for the position include PhD in biology or related fields, postdoctoral research experience, and publications describing original and outstanding research achievements. The successful appointee is expected to establish an internationally-recognized competitively-funded research program to address contemporary and emerging issues in plant sciences. The appointee is expected to develop courses for undergraduate and graduate levels and teach in both Hebrew and English, supervise graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, and contribute to the development and operation of the School, Faculty of Life Sciences and University.


Applications will be considered from June 1st 2022 until the position is filled.

Recruitment of the successful candidate is expected by October 1st 2023. Applicants should submit the following materials:

1) Curriculum vitae including list of publications

2) Statement of research plans

3) Statement of teaching interests and philosophy

4) Names, addresses, including e-mails, of four professional references


Materials (combined in one PDF file) should be sent by e-mail to Professor Guido Sessa, Head of the School of Plant Sciences and Food Security, Tel Aviv University (


Tel Aviv University is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

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