From Smallholder Challenge to Agritech Solution - AGRIthon 2015

Following the innovation competition, The Manna Center Program for Food Safety & Security and the Israel Export Institute invite you to the closing event, as part of Agritech, the the 19th International Agricultural Conference.

29 April 2015, 16:00 - 18:00 
Tel Aviv Convention Center (Ganey Hataarukha) 
From Smallholder Challenge  to Agritech Solution - AGRIthon 2015

The Start-Up Nation takes on Smallholder Farming.

Smallholder farmers produce more than half of the world’s food today. Increasing their yields and market access are fundamentally important in order to ensure adequate global food supply as the century progresses. 


The Agrithon collected from NGOs, governments and companies dealing with smallholders some of their most pressing challenges.  Over the course of two days, 40 outstanding Israeli innovators, entrepreneurs and experts got together to generate creative solutions to these challenges.  Now the time has come to present them to you.


Event Schedule:

16:00-16:05   Opening words by Mr. Ofer Sachs, CEO of The Israel Export Institute

16:05-16:10   Opening words by Yoni Ben Zaken, the Israeli Economic Attache in India

16:10-16:25   Steven Schonberger, Practice Manager, Water Global Practice, World Bank

16:25-17:00   Presentation of the teams' solutions

17:00-17:45   Panel discussion: Leveraging the Private Sector to Support Smallholders


Wednesday, April 29th 2015, 16:00-18:00, Tel Aviv Convention Center (Ganey Hataarukha)


* AGRIthon is part of the Pears Challenge, a fellowship program that makes it possible for outstanding innovators and entrepreneurs based in Israel to establish ventures with the power to make a real difference in the lives of people in the developing world.


** The economic unit of The Israel Export Institute, in partnership with Tel Aviv University, has prepared a booklet about doing business with the BoP. Reading is recommended and available here.

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