If you, or someone you know would like to intern with us, please get in touch!
Meredith has just finished her 3 month internship with us at the Manna Center. Before she left, we asked her a few questions about her background, motivations and hopes for the future.
Manna Center: Where do you come from?
Meredith Harper: United States
MC: How did you hear about us / which internship provider did you come through?
MH: I came to Israel with a Masa program called Top Israel Interns. Another dietitian put me in touch with Manna.
MC: What were you doing prior to coming to Israel?
MH: I worked as an inpatient clinical dietitian.
MC: What interests you most in the Manna Center’s work?
MH: I am really interested in food security and creating positive change both locally and globally on this front.
MC: What were you working on whilst interning at the Manna Center?
MH: I did international policy research regarding sustainable food systems to determine how Israel is doing compared to other nations, and what practices and policies Israel can adopt in the future.
MC: Any memorable moments from your internship here?
MH: I loved going to Rehovot to present my findings at the Hebrew University campus located there. I also enjoyed touring the Botanical Gardens on campus with the Manna students.
MC: What skills do you feel you have gained from your internship?
MH: I gained research skills and knowledge about food security and sustainable food systems, and what different countries are doing to achieve these goals.
MC: Do you feel your internship supported your career advancement? If so, how?
MH: Yes. This internship gave me a broader use of my registered dietitian skills beyond just clinical. Additionally, as I am staying in Israel, I feel that the contacts I made through this internship were very valuable.
MC: Any other comments?
MH: This is a great, friendly work environment ideal for interns! You will learn a lot and have as much support or independence as you need, and feel like you are doing something valuable.