Sustainable Food Systems Conference, June 2016
The Manna Center, New York University and The Israeli For for Sustainable Nutrition hosted the Sustainable Food Systems: Agriculture, Environment and Nutrition Conference on June 20-21, 2016 at Tel Aviv University.
The Sustainable Food Systems: Agriculture, Environment and Nutrition Conference was held on June 20-21, 2016 at Tel Aviv University. The conference was a collaboration between NYU, Manna Center Program for Food Safety and Security, and the Israeli Forum for Sustainable Nutrition, and with the additional generous support of the Ministry of Science and the Israeli Academy of Scicnes. The conference welcomed nearly 600 people from various disciplines including government, industry, academia, and the general public.
The conference graciously hosted two keynote speakers, Prof. Marion Nestle from NYU and Mr. Sandro Dernini from the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). With food systems as the overarching theme, speakers enlightened the audience on food policies, food and environment, farming in Israel, and healthy lifestyles. The conference also held breakout sessions hosted by panelists from the Israeli Ministry of Health, dieticians, researchers from TAU, and local health and public leaders.
As a final touch to the conference, Ms. Miki Haimovich, Israeli journalist and health activist interviewed Prof. Marion Nestle on the issues that surround sugar, junk food, consumption of dairy and big food industries.
In the link below, you can find the videos of lectures and panels held in the conference.