2015-6 Scholarship Recipients

The Manna Center Program for Food Safety & Security is pleased to announce its 2015-16 scholarship recipients for research related to issues of Food Safety and Security. We wish you the best of luck with producing important new knowledge in the field!

Name Department Advisor
Moshe Alon Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants Marcelo Sternberg
Shira Bukchin Public Policy Ram Fishman
Jasline Deek Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants Assaf Distelfeld
Ohad Eisenhandler Industrial Engineering Michal Tzur
Liron Friedman Environmental Engineering Dror Avisar and Hadas Mamane
Yonatan Gur Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants Amir Sharon
Gal Hyams Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants Itay Mayrose
Japhette Esther Kembou Tsofack  Cell Research and Immunology  Eran Bacharach
Itzhak Khait Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants Lilach Hadany
Moran Nave Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants Assaf Distelfeld
Shira Penner Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants Yuval Sapir
Georgy (Yura) Popov Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants Guido Sessa
Yoav Rothler Public Policy Ram Fishman
Rotem Shteinshleifer Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants Hillel Fromm
Orian Teig Sussholz Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants Adi Avni 
Itai van Rijn Zoology Jonathan Belmaker
Tamar Yichie Epidimiology Yitzhak Katz
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