October Discussion Session: Diverse food production systems, October 23, 2014

Event will take place at 15:30 in Katzir Hall, Green Biotechnology Building.

Urban agriculture, Freiburg, Germany
Urban agriculture, Freiburg, Germany

One of the major global challenges of the coming decades is ensuring food security while reducing the environmental footprint of agriculture. In contemporary discourse about solutions to this challenge, the possibility of using methods other than conventional agriculture to produce food is almost entirely absent. In this session we will learn about some of these methods and examine the possibility for them to act as a substitute, even partially, in the current system of food production.


The session will meet on October 23, 2014 at 15:30 pm at the Katzir Hall of the Green Biotechnology Building, Tel Aviv University (behind Britannia and Sherman Life Sciences buildings).


This event is being put on in partnership with the Israeli Forum for Sustainable Nutrition and Tel Aviv University’s Manna Center Program for Food Safety and Security. For the Hebrew version of the invitation, please click here.



15:30 - 16:00 Mingling and refreshments

16:00 - 16:20 Idan Alyakim, Permaculture and food production

16:20 - 16:40 Sa’ar Oestreicher, forest agriculture and food forests

16:40 - 17:00 Naomi Tsur, the challenge of the food cycle in the city

17:00 - 17:20 Yoav Egozi, resilience and local food production

17:20 - 17:40 Dan Barbar, how I fell in love with a fish

17:40 - 18:30 Roundtable Discussion and Q&A session


Please note: the event will take place in Hebrew.



Questions for the speakers can be sent to the Israeli Forum on Sustainable Nutrition’s Facebook page here prior to the event.


In the spirit of the event, guests are welcome to bring a light, healthy, homemade refreshment.


Participation in the session is free, but we ask that you register at this link.

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