Nutrition and Public Health

Nutrition and Public Health

Course No. 0158.1159 / 0466.4007


Pre-requisites & Intended Audience

No pre-requisites.

The course is intended for Master’s and PhD level students or above.


Academic Credit & Course Requirements

2 Academic Credits (4 ECTS).

Participants must pass the final exam with a grade of 60 (D). Noncredit participants will receive a certification of participation and are not required to take the final exam, but are expected to participate. The exam accounts for 100% of the course grade.


Course Description

The one-week, intense course will present the nutritional aspects of public health challenges that occur throughout life in different settings. It will introduce major methods and tools to assess, plan, and implement nutritional interventions at personal, people-centered care, as well as at household, community, national, and global levels. The significant role of food and nutrition in human development, health, and disease prevention will be highlighted.



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