2016-17 Call for Applications for Food Safety & Security Graduate Fellowships / Scholarships
Deadline extended to September 7, 2016
With over 7 billion mouths to feed globally, ensuring a secure supply of food is a burgeoning and critical challenge for scientists and policymakers alike.
The Manna Center Program for Food Safety and Security aims to encourage and enable research that will contribute to solving food security related challenges in Israel and around the world. We believe that studying and addressing the complex issues of food security requires integration of knowledge and data from a wide array of fields including environmental, health, social, economic, biological, legal, policy-related, agricultural, business, computer science, engineering, social work, education, the arts and more.
The Manna Center Program for Food Safety and Security is offering a number of special fellowships for outstanding graduate (Masters and PhD level) students at Tel Aviv University. Students from any discipline at Tel Aviv University are eligible to apply, as long as their research has relevance to Food Safety and Food Security. Fellowships will be awarded on the basis of academic excellence and relevance of research.
Fellowships are for one year and must be matched by internal or research funds. In Life Sciences or Exact Sciences, the final level of the scholarship must be at least 150%. In other Faculties, the minimal final level is 100%. Recipients are eligible to re-apply for the scholarship for a second or third year.
Acceptance of the fellowship is contingent on the student taking the course Introduction to Food Security during the Food Safety & Security Summer Institute in July 2017. Students who receive second-year scholarship must register to another Food Safety & Security Summer Institute course of their choice.
Recipients will join the growing group of Manna Center’s Food Safety and Security Fellows, and will benefit from designated food security-related special activities throughout the year. The Program also encourages Fellows to participate in Manna Center events such as seminars, conferences, and special events.
Accepted fellows will be asked to submit a 250-word abstract of their research for the website at the beginning of the year, as well as give a summary and presentation of their research at end of the year. Additionally, approximately seven informal events will take place throughout the year that the Program asks that the students partake in.