Congratulations to our Top Lecturers

Congratulations to the 12 senior faculty members who got appreciation certificates for outstanding teaching during the 2023-2024 academic year

23 February 2025
Top Lecturers

The following two professors, representing the Shmunis of Biomedicine and Cancer Research, received the Rector's Award for Teaching Excellence for the 2024 academic year:
Prof. Eran Bacharach and Prof. Tal Pupko

The recipients are listed in alphabetical order and by their schools.
School of Molecular Cell Biology & Biotechnology:
Dr. Tzachi Hagai

School of Neurobiology, Biochemistry & Biophysics (NBB):
Prof. Yoav Gothilf
Dr. Yossi Tsfadia

School of Plant Sciences and Food Security:
Prof. Eilon Shani
Dr. Nir Sade
Dr. Yuval Sapir

School of Zoology:
Prof. Noa Shenkar
Dr. Omri Bronstein

Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research:
Dr. Aldema Sas-Chen
Prof. David Burstein

To all of the winners, may your achievements continue to set the bar for many years to come.


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